This was written before I started my blog. I wrote this on the back of a piece of paper in 2008 and I found it yesterday. The nice thing about machine-readable material is that it can be edited and redacted. In the future printout of my letters this document will take its proper place at the head.
All my grandchildren have such a disparate range of ages (2 to 28 as of September 2011) that I realize that some of you will never have the relationship and memories of their grandfather that others will have. As you know, I have decided to write a series of letters and post them on a blog on the Internet. Some of you will be able to read and understand them now and some will have to be given them by their parents at a later date. The purpose of these letters is to let you know of our love and concern for you, our posterity.
My grandparents Gee only wrote to me occasionally. They sought to give counsel and establish a relationship with a distant grandchild. I never knew my grandfather Stucki. He died before my mother’s marriage.
You may not appreciate my letters at first, but I hope in the future, you will understand how much your grandmother and I love and appreciate each of you. You and I will see things from a different perspective. I hope that you will realize that the views that I express come from over seventy years of living here upon this earth.
I have no expectations that everything that I write is the ultimate truth. I hope that my remarks will be based on true principles. As true principles, they can be applied in many different circumstances.
Thanks for being my grandchildren! I know you did not have a choice in the matter, (there may be some that did) but by sharing the love which we have we can develop a bond of friendship, which will allow us to find common ground to seek eternal glory with Christ, who should be the center of our lives.