Saturday, May 31, 2014

Immunizations and you

As you may know, I answer the phone in the missionary department on Monday mornings and Tuesday afternoons.  I keep track of all the phone calls on a spreadsheet on the computer. The majority of calls are those seeking information about immunizations. The missionary department wants all the missionaries entering the mission field to be protected against infectious diseases. Some calls are from parents who do not want their child to be immunized. We tell them that they can serve, but their service will be limited to their country of origin, so they will not be exposed to certain contagious diseases.

The brethren do not want to expose the missionaries to any diseases when they are unprotected.

This post is not about vaccines for hepatitis, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, or German measles (TdaP, IPV and MMR).

I want to discuss a different kind of immunization. As parents today we should be worried about something that can cause a permanent disability or even death. It is called sin. While serving in Frankfurt, I was quoted as saying, " Illness like sin is best treated early in its course".  We, of course, do not want either one in our life.  Spiritual illness is in epidemic proportions in our world. Unfortunately, it is going to get worse and not any better. What can Saints do to keep from getting infected by the plague of sin that is sweeping the earth in the days prior to the coming of The Son of Man of Holiness?

My recommendation is that we immunize the children. Not only with the vaccines as mentioned above, but with something that will immunize them and protect them against the plague of wickedness that is so prevalent in the earth.

What are a few of these immunizations?

The apostle Paul compared these to armor. It is true that we need armor to protect us from the “fiery darts of the adversary”, but what about the small germs such as bubonic plague that enter into our lives surreptitiously?  We can immunize with faith, but that is something that we cannot give to another person. It has to come from a desire within. The doctor or other professional administers the immunization and then the individual develops the immune protection as a result. Elder Neal A. Maxwell said.” Real disciples absorb the fiery darts of the adversary by holding aloft the quenching shield of faith with one hand, while holding to the iron rod with the other.” Holding on to the iron rod requires immunization.

We you and I, then, have to be the professional that administers the spiritual immunization.  So, when do we start? In the later years of my practice I would start the shots when the baby was in the hospital or at the first week visit. They got shots in regular intervals until they went to college.

What do we need to do to spiritually immunize the individual so that they can develop the immunity against the spiritual plagues? I call this vaccine PTSRS.

First, start immunizing early with PTSRS.

Prayer is a good thing to start with. Pray to The Lord that He will send you choice spirits to teach. Pray over them in their crib. Pray to The Lord when they are toddlers and let them hear you pray for them by name. Pray together as a family twice daily, morning and night. Let The Lord know you are thankful for trusting you with their care.

Teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ. In today's world, do not rely on the church and church programs such as seminary to teach them the doctrines of the kingdom. Do not stop with just family home evening. Family home evening is important, but not enough. Take time to have unscheduled visits one on one or impromptu family gospel discussions.

Reading the scriptures daily is good, but without understanding it is not a powerful enough antigen to protect the host. Be a gospel scholar and teach your children to excel in gospel knowledge. Proper knowledge is power. In these days there are probably one thousand anti-Mormon sites to one in favor of the church. There are too many of our members who have not been properly immunized and without true knowledge will lose their fragile testimony. The time is now when the sifting prophesied by Heber C. Kimball is going on.
The scripture was often quoted in my family when I was growing up: " Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." (Proverbs 4:7) It is important to understand the scriptures and the doctrine. I am still learning and being enlightened by my study.

We used to have family rules.  Every once in a while we would go over the family rules. We even had rules for dating. Each family has to have rules of conduct for the family. One of our rules was that our children could not have friends over to the house when the parents were not home. We had other rules as well.

Make the place where you live a place where those who come and go will feel the spirit of The Lord. Make your home a place of spiritual refuge from the world.  A place where there is no contention and that your children can come and know that they will not be criticized or mocked or put down. President Harold B. Lee said that the holy places that we should stand in when the judgments of God would wash over the earth should not only be the temples, but our homes as well. 

The scripture states that “out of small things procedeth that which is great”. Just as it does not take a lot of vaccine to immunize against the aforementioned diseases, it does not take a lot of spiritual vaccine, but it needs to be constantly administered in small doses. My professor of pediatrics used to say, “ The dose is enough”. What is enough for one person may be too much or not enough for the other. This may not be the only vaccine that is needed, but start here and perhaps you will find another vaccine that is needed as well.

The spirit will guide you.



Sunday, May 4, 2014

Keep your windows clean

Yesterday I washed the windows in the kitchen. I was careful to make sure there were no streaks. I washed the screens as well. It looked like to me that I had done an acceptable job.  I showed my wife how clean they were.

This morning I came into the kitchen as the sun was shining directly through the window. I was horrified. All the windows were streaked. They didn't look as bad as they were before, but we're certainly unacceptable.  I thought this might be a good object lesson to post on my blog.

Using the light of the gospel to look at what we do in our lives, we can discern things that otherwise appear to be perfect.  We can see the dirty streaks in our life. We can see that we can improve. We can see the imperfections and resolve to clean our spiritual windows again and use the bright sunlight of the gospel to shine through and perfectly illuminate our souls and allow us to see through clearly and discern.

Be sure and clean your spiritual windows.



Friday, May 2, 2014

The parable of the father and the child

There once was a father who had a number of children. One of his children lived in a distant city.  One day the child came to the father and asked him to help with a problem. The father listened and gave counsel and said in order for him to really help the child solve this problem he would need some information that should be collected in the next month so that the necessary adjustments could be made. As they parted the father assured the child of his love. The child responded affirmatively. The child agreed to send the information, but the father did not hear anything more from the child.
Some time later the child approached the father with another problem. He listened carefully and tried to give the child the benefit of his knowledge. He told the child that he could better help with the problem if he had more information. There was not enough information to solve the problem. The father explained this to the child. He assured the child again of his love and the child said, “I love you too”. The father wrote down the information needed and sent an epistle to the child with a detailed list.

The child decided to ask someone else for counsel, but did not do what that person recommended. The father did not learn about that until much later. He never received the information asked for.

In process of time, the child came again to the father after going to counsel with others about a different problem. He listened to the problem, asked probing questions and gave the child his best advice, but said that in order to really give the best advice he needed more information, which the child did not have but could send to him by speedy messenger. Again they hugged and expressed their love for each other.

The following day he received communication that the child had sought counsel elsewhere. He never did receive the information from the child.

What should the father do?

What should the child have done?

Did the father love the child?

Did the child show love and respect for the father?

How should the father respond to further requests for his advice?

What would you do?

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted your Father in Heaven to help you with a problem?

Are you like the child in the above parable?

I have found that The Lord will not help us solve our problems, unless we trust Him and show Him that we will do all and anything He asks, then patiently wait for Him to help us solve the problem.



Use Wisdom and Prudence

Just because it is not against the law, doesn’t make it right.

Recent laws legalizing the use of marijuana or cannabis have brought up questions as to how we as members of the church should respond.

Perhaps we should listen to the watchmen on the tower.  

What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same. (Doctrine and Covenants 1: 38)

Listen to the voice of the prophets.

Some of the most addictive drugs that, if abused, can hijack the brain and take away one’s agency include nicotine; opiates—heroin, morphine, and other painkillers; tranquilizers; cocaine; alcohol; marijuana; and methamphetamines. (2010 October General Conference, O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One, Sun. Afternoon Session - M. Russell Ballard)

The Word of Wisdom contains some very positive aspects. It encourages us to use grains, particularly wheat, and to use fruits and vegetables and the sparing use of meat. It is also noted for its prohibition—absolute prohibition—against the use of alcohol, tobacco, tea, and coffee. Added to this has been the counsel of the Church leaders to abstain from the use of such drugs as marijuana, cocaine, etc., and the abusive use of prescription drugs. (1996 October General Conference, “Run and Not Be Weary”, Priesthood Session - L. Tom Perry)

Other Drugs
Drugs such as LSD, marijuana, heroin, and cocaine are also endangering people throughout the earth. The noble attributes of reason, integrity, and dignity, which distinguish men and women from all other forms of life, are often the first to be attacked by these drugs and alcohol. (1988 October General Conference, Addiction or Freedom, Sat. Morning Session - Russell M. Nelson)

I should like first to say a few words to the boys who are here. I think every one of you young men wishes to be successful in life. The fact that you have made an effort to attend this meeting indicates that you are interested in worthwhile things. I recently read the results of a study of high school students in the United States: “Religion plays a prominent role in the lives of high school students who earn top grades and participate in extracurricular activities, a recent poll reports. The poll … surveyed 55,000 juniors and seniors from 22,000 public, private, and parochial high schools across the nation. … The survey shows that 85 percent of high achievers are reared in homes in which both natural parents live and formal religion is practiced. Nearly 45 percent live in rural communities. By an 84 percent margin, high achievers favor traditional marriages and reject the use of cigarettes and illegal drugs. Only 4 percent have used marijuana, and 89 percent have never smoked cigarettes.” (Christianity Today, 18 Feb. 1983, p. 35.)
You see, you who are members of the Church are not alone. Those who indulge in cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs would… (1983 October General Conference, Be Not Deceived, Priesthood Session - Gordon B. Hinckley)

Be smart. Do not be so shortsighted as to indulge in the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. It simply is not smart to do so. It is stupid, if you will pardon that harsh word, to use cocaine, marijuana, or any of the other drugs that rob you of control of your mind. After every drug-induced “high,” there is a reactionary “low.” Why spend money on that which can only harm you? Why become enslaved to a habit that can only hinder and short-circuit your future? (1981 October General Conference, Four B’s for Boys, Priesthood Session - Gordon B. Hinckley)

Live so your memories can bless the full length of your life. Live for that glorious day when you will go to the holy temple for eternal blessings and joy. Resist the temptations and pressures of those who might urge you to stray, to use marijuana or beer or hard liquor. You understand how deadly they become to your body and then to your spirit. You must not succumb. You are different. Pornography, filthy literature and movies, vile language, and suggestive music are not part of your life. They can destroy you. (1981 April General Conference, The Responsibility of Young Aaronic Priesthood Bearers, Priesthood Session - David B. Haight)

You will find that as the church and the influence of the gospel of Jesus Christ increase in the earth, the influence of Satan will also increase.  He wants to have everyone to be miserable like unto himself. Heed the words of the prophets. (And may I add, your Grandpa as well.)

Just because these substances were not mentioned in the Word of Wisdom, does not mean that we should pollute our bodies with their use or not take a firm stand against them.

Love Grandpa