I have been reading in the newspaper and listening to the
news on TV about a number of people whose mistakes are reported in depth. Their
sins and missteps are detailed in the extreme and the accusers wear their
disclosures as a badge of honor.
It reminds me of how far we have come from the teachings of
the Savior. We figuratively cast our stones at those individuals and cluck our
tongues at what we perceive to be the weakness and frailty of men and women. We
fail to take into account that the natural man is an enemy to God and will be
until he yields to the enticing of the Spirit and puts off the natural man and
becomes a Saint. This can only come through obedience to the commandments of
Christ admonished us to let the Lord do the judging and let
the Lord reward those according to their works.
When Christ was posed with a situation where he was asked to
condemn a woman his response was to let the person who was without sin be the
first to cast the stone to cause her death. She was already dead spiritually.
Christ offered her spiritual as well as well as physical life by telling her
that he did not condemn her and to go her way and sin no more.
It was not his role at that time to be a judge. His role at
that time was to bring salvation to all through bringing the fullness of the
gospel and preaching repentance and then provide the saving ordinances for all
who would accept.
The question that pops into my mind is; where was the man?
They did not bring him to be stoned.
Now my grandchildren be slow to judge and let the Lord do it,
for with which judgment you judge, you may also be judged. Try to save people and bring them to Christ
and our Father. You will find that more satisfying in the end.