Monday, September 7, 2020

Korihor is back


Korihor is back!
We have recently been reading about Korihor and other anti-Christs in the Book of Mormon.
The Book of Mormon was written for our day to warn us of things to come, by reminding us of what has happened in the past. 
We can compare what is happening today to events that were happening at that time. It has been said that history repeats itself. This is is true because people become materialistic and forget God. So far, they have killed only one prophet since the time of the restoration of the Gospel, but there are plenty of people who try to destroy the faith of the true disciples of Christ both within and without the church. 
Attacks on the church and its doctrine will continue to escalate to try and persuade the humble members of the church to reject the safety of their Covenants and testimony of the gospel. 
A number of years ago the counselor to president Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, made a statement that has stuck with me since I read it early in my time as stake president. He said that the time would come when the individuals would not be able to live on borrowed light. 
This means that you, my grandchildren, are under attack by the evil one, who according to the scriptures, seeks to drag your eternal souls down to misery and eternal woe. 
The way that the modern day Korihors plant doubt and disbelief into the hearts and minds of the children of men is to divert their attention from the simple things that lead to Christ. They are: daily prayer, daily reading of the scriptures, church attendance, temple worship, paying tithing and offerings and seeking confirmation of the truth by the spirit. 
If we are negligent in these simple things, we may not be able to withstand the fiery darts of the adversary. 
It will require work and effort on our parts. Those who do not put in the effort will not gain the assurance that they are on the right track. Without this solid testimony and the need to repent and come closer to Christ we may not stand the day. 
Now my dear grandchildren, Who is on the Lord's side, Who?
Love Grandpa

What Color is Love?

A number of years ago we belonged to a dinner group with a few friends from Lander and Riverton.  One evening we played a game and one could answer the question that was posed and the person who responded was told that no one could criticize the answer. The question was, what color is Love? Alice answered Pink. In 2001 I wrote this little essay and gave her a Cyclamen.  Now my dear grandchildren, What color is your love?

What color is Love?

The answer is obvious. It is, and always has been for us, pink.  A soft rosy pink. As you know pink is a mixture of red and white.  Red stands for passion, fire and courage.  Love cannot be just red because passion and fire alone will destroy relationships and consume those involved.  White represents purity, chastity and the celestial kingdom.  White light is a mixture of all the colors of the spectrum.  When directed through a prism it is separated into its components and displays for our view a scintillating display, as each individual prism of our lives, when activated by the light of the gospel displays the sparkling glow of the individual soul. Thus your love and mine is a mixture of the red and white.  You because of your chastity and purity and courage and passion have created a love that has the soft hue of pink.  Just enough red to make it interesting and just enough white to keep it from consuming us both. I love you very much so please let this pink plant remind you of that love.  It will one day wither and die, but my love will forever glow pink for you.