The new face of medicine
Or what you need to do in today's environment
Recent events have brought to my attention what you, my posterity need to be
aware of with the changes in American medicine.
First you need to be in charge of your own medical records. Since the advent of
Hillary Clinton's meddling into the health care scene with the passage of HIPA.
We have seen a rise in the schism between the patient and the physician. There
has been a loss of trust.
When a patient requested his medical records, we used to give them freely. Now
they are sold back to the patient. The process that one has to go through now
to obtain medical information is complicated and time consuming and at times
The time was when the doctor kept the record and was the repository of your
medical records and information. When he closed his practice, he passed them on
to his successor or notified the patient to pick up their records.
Now that Obama care is in place electronic medical records are going to be
mandatory. You are supposed to be given a copy of the visit with a diagnosis
and treatment given or prescribed.
I have received calls in the missionary department from returned missionaries
who need their immunization records. They have not kept track of their records
and have expected the church to keep their records for them. They are
disappointed when I have to tell them that I cannot assist them.
My suggestion is that you make a file and keep a record of all of your
immunizations and record your visits to the doctor and hospital. A hard copy is
good, but with today's technology you can keep it on the hard drive of your
computer and back up to at least two flash drives. The technology may change in
the future, so adapt to that.
If you do not take charge of your own data, you will eventually be frustrated
and disappointed.
By being the keeper of your own medical records you can then transfer from one
medical home to another and not have to try and remember dates, illnesses,
surgeries, and hospitalizations.
One man once told me, "a dull pencil is better than a sharp mind."
Keep a document of every illness, hospital visit, dental encounter and medical
procedure that you have.
I suggest that you be fully immunized. You should keep a written record
of all immunizations. There should be a backup copy of these records.
Here is a list of the immunizations that you should receive.
Tdap every 5 years or DT ever 10 years
MMR one series is enough
Hepatitis A and B
If you have not had either then there is a combination vaccine called Twinrix
Polio, one series is enough
Chicken Pox (Varicella) unless you had the disease.
For young missionaries get meningococcal meningitis vaccine or if you are going
to college and living in a dorm.
These immunizations should be obtained. They are recommended by the first
presidency and council of the twelve and by grandpa.
Keep your records. Recently I learned that electronic medical records can be deleted after 7 years. This from the Internet.
"Medical records shall be retained for at least seven years.
Medical records of minors shall be kept until the age of eighteen plus
four years, but in no case less than seven years. (d) The Hospital may
destroy medical records after retaining them for the minimum time