Easter is a commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I would like to document how I came to have a testimony of Jesus Christ and his atonement.
Like most young people who are members of the church I accepted the teachings as I received them from my parents and teachers. I did not delve deeply into the doctrine. I did not read the scriptures on my own. I prayed as I was taught by my parents.
I attended college and went to church because I was accustomed to going and I liked the association of people who were like minded. It might be said that my testimony was superficial. I kept the commandments without a deep understanding of why they were given.
My next step in the process was diving deep into the scriptures and doctrines on my mission. We had read the Book of Mormon at home as a family. Now I read the Book of Mormon with my companion in German and translated into English five verses at a time. I read Jesus the Christ and the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I studied the apostasy by reading the articles by Hugh Nibley in the Improvement Era. The more I studied the stronger my testimony of the gospel and church grew. I read the Bible from beginning to end in German including the apocryphal books. The more I read the more I gained a knowledge and understanding of the gospel. This was an intellectual testimony. The spiritual testimony would take a number of years.
I continued to read and pray. I have documented in another blog post about my experience with the Book of Mormon. That was a time when I heard the word of the Lord through His spirit. One other incident I would like to document was when I was serving as stake president. I had easily been able to choose individuals to serve in various callings in the stake. After a couple of years the inspiration did not come as quickly as it did at first. One day the regional representative came to the stake to visit. I told him that I thought I ought to be released because I wasn’t able to find out who the Lord wanted to serve in the stake as I had at first. He did not follow through with that request. One day while pondering my situation the voice of the Lord came into my mind, “If you are going to be like me you are going to have to think like me.” I then realized that I was going to have to spend my time figuring out who would best fit the position and then ask for confirmation. Sometimes that process would take some time. I then realized that the Lord had taken pity on a young and inexperienced person and led him along for a little while and then taught him to learn how to receive revelation.
This is much like the analogy in the dream of Lehi. The people hang onto the iron rod as they go along the covenant path until they reach the tree of life where they can partake of the fruit.
I wish to share my testimony to my posterity that I know that God our Father lives. I bear my witness that His son Jesus Christ is the savior and redeemer of the world. He died and had the power of the resurrection and through Him all mankind will be resurrected and receive an eternal body.
I know that the gospel which Christ taught his apostles was lost through the apostasy and restored in these latter days by the prophet Joseph Smith.
I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that he translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God. He was instrumental in bringing forth many revelations, which help us to understand the workings of God.
I bear witness that we are led by prophets today and that Russell Marion Nelson is God’s prophet on earth today.
If my posterity will diligently study the scriptures and earnestly pray for guidance and direction and enlightenment, that the time will come when they will know of asurity of the truth that I bear witness at this Easter season
I do this in the holy name of Jesus Christ.