Sunday, October 11, 2015

Knowing and Doing

There is a great of difference between knowing and doing. We may know what to do, but many times we do not act in accordance with that knowledge. 

There is a difference that President Spencer W. Kimball noted.  He told the composer of "I am a child of God" that she needed to change the words to the song. The lyrics originally were, "Teach me all that I must know". He said they should read, "Teach me all that I must do to live with Him some day."

You will find that there are many people that know right from wrong and good from bad, but their actions do not mirror their knowledge.

Of course their are some people who do not know.  This is because they are not taught or do not seek wisdom. Many are ignorant because the knowledge is simply not available to them, because, " they know not where to find it."

The vain traditions of the fathers preclude the proper acquisition of knowledge and therefore people do not have information on how to properly act and do.

Then there are those who think they do not need to constantly improve. They are satisfied with the status quo. They think that doing their small part of what they assume to be correct, that they will not be held accountable for the whole that is available. These are they who rationalize and excuse their behavior saying that if push comes to shove they will be beaten with a few stripes and eventually enter in to live with a living Heavenly Father, who would surely not deny them. They do not realize how uncomfortable they would be.  The scriptures describe this as nakedness.  No one would feel comfortable standing in the nude in front of Our Father who is clothed in resplendent robes of glory, knowing that we could have those same robes by doing things that we have neglected to do during our probationary state here in mortality.

Then there are the openly rebellious. They are so egocentric and self centered that they do not care what the rules or commandments are. Theirs is the typical 3-year-old's response. "Me do it my way".  These are they that, unless they repent, will follow Satan and will eventually be in his power.  Although most of these people will never get to the temple, they will not learn the lesson that is taught there and if they have been to the temple they did not pay attention.

People do not realize that this life is serious business.  A war was fought in heaven so that we might come down here and obtain a body and learn to discern between good and evil.  Eve risked everything to be able to obtain that knowledge and suffer sorrow as a result.  

Now it comes to us to act on that knowledge.  It is not good enough to know what is right and what is wrong.  We must act accordingly, because if we do not act prudently we will have to suffer the consequences.  I have posted about consequences previously at this link.  

I have always liked the song, “Do What Is Right”.  In it is the phrase, ‘let the consequence follow’.  The consequence of doing right is eternal life.  The wages of sin is death.  

Chose life by doing the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason.



1 comment:

  1. You always nail it. Your advise is always wise and timely.
