I was asked to write this in 2014 when I turned eighty and it was included in the book prepared by my children entitled " What it Means to be a Gee".
Future generations will not have access to the book. This may be then made available to my future descendants who will not have this little essay. These are not necessarily ranked in order of importance. I could probably add to this, but this will suffice.
Recently they ran a series of articles in the Deseret News
on the Ten Commandments. In one article on the ninth commandment written by
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach he said, "A man or a woman can be stripped of every
possession save one: their good name, their most prized possession of
Brigham Young in speaking about being a good father said,”
Take this course and you will secure to yourselves an honorable name on earth
among the good and the pure; you will maintain your integrity before heaven,
and prove yourselves worthy of a high state of glory when you get through with
this world.” 14:200.
It is difficult to discuss this without giving some examples
from the lives of my predecessors. It means that I have descended from a long line
of noble ancestors. Because they paved the way, I am indebted to them and the
example they set.
It means I believe in God the Eternal Father.
Solomon Gee
our first American ancestor believed in a God and wrote a poem so stating. As
far as I can determine his Gee line for nine generations have had that belief.
It means I believe in God
It means I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and as such I should try to emulate
His example.
It means I am not perfect, but I am striving to keep the commandments so that I
can be perfected in Christ.
It means I can be trusted.
It means I am honest in what I say and in my dealings with my fellow men. My
grandfather Gee was a trusted public servant. He ran for public office after he
was eighty years of age.
It means I will follow the prophet. When Salmon Gee was dying he admonished his
children to follow the church wherever it went.
It means I support the general and local authorities of the church. Lysander
Gee risked being caught by the mob around Liberty jail to deliver a message
from the prophet Joseph Smith to the leaders in Far West.
It means that I will serve where I am called and do what I can to build up the
kingdom of God. Salmon Gee was a general authority in the early days of the
church. He was released from that position to serve elsewhere.
It means that I have no favorites among my children or grandchildren or their
It means that I try to be refined in my language and behavior, because I have a
Heavenly Father who is refined.
It means that I enjoy good music. My parents and grandparents enjoyed listening
to good classical music including opera and had recordings of this music when
they could afford it. My parents supported community concerts in Lander to
bring in talented artists to the city. I helped to bring in the Utah symphony
orchestra to play in Lander. All my Gee uncles had good voices and sang.
It means that I love my wife with all my heart.
It means that I am interested in seeing those of my posterity and my family
obtain an education commensurate with their desire. My grandparents were
educated for their time and saw all their sons graduate from college. Three of
the five had advanced degrees. My brothers both had doctorate degrees.
It means that I will never stop learning new things. My father learned to turn
spindles on a lathe to create a railing for the house in Paris when he was in
his later years.
It means that I am not afraid of physical labor. I will give a days work for a
days pay. All of my ancestors worked doing physical labor most of their life.
My father had a garden until he moved to Bountiful. Lysander was a plasterer
and did construction work until he became an attorney and labored as well.
It means I am true to the principles of liberty and to the constitution of the
United States. Solomon Gee served in the French and Indian war. William Gee was
in the revolutionary war. Lysander was a justice of the peace. I served in the
It means that I enjoy well-prepared food and enjoy eating it.
It means that I enjoy art and have some paintings and other art in my home to
It means that I oppose tyranny. Solomon Gee jumped ship and came to the United
States because the captain if the ship that he was on whipped his men.
It means that I am trusting but not gullible.
It means that that I am self reliant with the Lord's help and do not ask people
to do what I can do for myself.
It means that I will try to be compassionate to those around me.
It means that the service that I render will never be convenient.
It means that the fasting in behalf of others and myself will never be
It means that I will strengthen those around me and lift them to a higher
It means I have been given a good name.