Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Let your head save your heels.

This was a saying that my parents used to tell us quite often.
Last night I was taking out the garbage. It was the night to take out both types of garbage. We have two garbage cans. The one for recyclables and the other for just trash. The trash in our house comes in four different sites. We have kitchen garbage, two bathroom receptacles and one in the laundry.

Last night I took the kitchen garbage and placed it in the black bin and the wheeled the bins to the curb. After I came back to the house I remembered the bathrooms. I then had to go back out to the curb. Then I had to take the laundry trash to the curb.

Thus I let distraction rule. I did not let my head save my heels. This is a homely illustration. If you let distractions keep you from thinking and organizing your actions, you will find you are spending time doing things that will be time wasting at the least.

Do not squander time for that is the stuff life is made of.

This life is the time to learn eternal principles. We will eventually have to learn them and we are instructed that whatever principle we learn in this life will rise with us into the next. Therefore if we learn to be efficient now we will not have to spend time learning it later and we will have an advantage in this life as well.



1 comment:

  1. Man, this is such a good reminder of doing what is important. I do always follow this.....I love to do crossword puzzles, and sometimes I get a little carried away with stuff on social media. Good reminder of what is important. Now, if I will actually change.
