One of my favorite quotes from Brigham Young is, " He
who takes offense when no offense was intended is a fool. He who takes offense
when offense was intended is probably a fool."
We will not get through this life without being given cause
to be offended at some point. It is then up to us how we respond. We can let
our pride and self-importance get in the way of how we feel. Or we can be like
the duck and let the water just fall off our back.
We have better things to do in this life than to let some
remark or slight hurt our feelings.
Christ was and is to be our example. He said that there must
needs be offenses, but WO unto those by whom they come. Let the Lord take care
of the problem.
Today we as a people make other people offenders for a word.
Just listen to the news or read the newspapers and note how people are
criticizing each other and pointing out their mistakes or disparaging them for
their position or actions. We may not agree but that is no reason for us to get
bent out of shape.
We claim to be a Christian nation, but do not follow what I
learned was the "Golden Rule". Do unto others as you would want
them to do unto you.
Then when things do not suit one they protest and riot. This
is hardly an example of Christ's example or teachings.
Our response should be, "Let the Lord judge between
thee and me and reward thee according to thy works."
If we have differences of opinion we do as the Lord
instructs. We discuss the matter in private with the person and use gentleness,
meekness and unfeigned love.
The scriptures inform us that contention is of the devil.
Why be in his camp?
Wars, murders and violence all come because of iniquity and
then the love of many waxes cold.
My dear grandchildren try not to be offended. It is not worth the angst.

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