Thursday, June 3, 2021

Who is in charge?

If we go back in the history of this world we can determine that God was in charge and Jesus Christ was delegated to be the architect and spokesman for the Father.

It is He that is in charge. Nothing that transpires here on earth happens without his knowledge. It does not mean that everything that happens here on earth is in accordance with his will.

There are many things that we do not have the answer for. We know that the natural man is an enemy to God so that many things that happen here or not in accordance with his will but the war in heaven was found to be fought over the principle of agency.

Many people know that there are many things that happen here on the earth that do not seem equitable or right. For instance we get cancer and all sorts of diseases because we are mortal. This does not mean that we are discriminated against by our Father in Heaven. It is just part of all the earthly experience.

Christ talked about the wheat and the tares growing together until the harvest. So we have to wait until the harvest. Sometimes that does not come until we die. We have to live in a world that is not perfect, although the earth will be perfected and those who keep the commandments will be perfected.

As I understand it, the earth became a fallen state when Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and thus became mortal. So many people in this world do not understand the plan of salvation and happiness. They look for perfection and when they do not find it they curse God and die. 

So many people do not understand why they are here and where they are going. They do not understand who is in charge. It is Christ and his father who are in charge. 

This does not mean everything will go smoothly because that is not the way the Lord planned it. If I understand things as they should be, our Heavenly Father went through the same ordeal and came out victorious and so why should we think that we are better than He.

Some individuals are born with bodies that are imperfect. Some babies are born dead. Some people are plagued with genetic disorders while others seem to go through life unscathed. We are mortal.

We have to remember what this life is for. We are sent to get a body. We are to keep the commandments of God. We are to go through customized challenges to be able to live in the presence of God. We cannot expect to get by with favorable treatment when Christ suffered more than we can imagine. Are we better than He?

God is in charge.

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