Thursday, April 21, 2022

Wrong way drivers


The parable of the wrong way driver

The other day on the freeway there were two incidences of wrong way drivers within a 24-hour period. The first accident involved two vehicles and both drivers were killed. In the second one only the driver who was in the wrong was killed, the other was not. There have been a number of wrong way driver incidents in which the drivers were not killed but injuries occurred. The highway patrol has been alerted and seeks to stop the wrong way driver and keep him from injury and death.

Why do some drivers go the wrong way? Perhaps they do not read the signs.  Most on ramps have a sign that alerts the driver that they are entering the freeway going the wrong way.

Perhaps they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Perhaps they are taking their directions from a GPS or someone in the car.

Perhaps they are looking at a video or text on their phone.

This is an analogy to the highway to heaven or the covenant path.  The freeway is called that, because there is no payment required to use it. The covenant path is also free (Salvation is free to all.) that leads us to our Father in Heaven, and we don’t have to pay anything for it, we just have to keep on the covenant path. This covenant path leads to our Father in Heaven and exaltation in the celestial kingdom. All we have to do is keep our covenants. The covenant path begins with baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and we keep on that covenant path by keeping our Heavenly Father’s and Jesus’ commandments. In addition, we covenant in the temple to do certain things and we covenant to obey all of our Father’s commandments and in addition; in the covenant of marriage we covenant to obey all the laws, rites, and covenants pertaining to the holy state of matrimony.

How do people become wrong way drivers on the covenant path?

Perhaps they neglect to pray on a regular basis and communicate with God.

Perhaps they do not read the scriptures that warn us of the evils that are so prevalent around us.

Perhaps they do not listen to or read the words of the prophets who tell us where to go.

Perhaps they transgress the law of chastity or break one of the commandments that they have covenanted to keep.

Perhaps they use drugs or alcohol.

Perhaps they do not attend the sacrament meeting.

Just as the wrong way driver on the freeway can cause death or injury to himself or others, the wrong way driver on the covenant path can cause spiritual death (exclusion from the influence and eventual presence of God) or spiritual injury to themselves and others.

Let us take an example from the Book of Mormon. Korihor did not believe in Christ and sought to lead his fellows who were members of the church astray and was having great success until the prophet (like a highway patrol officer) intervened to save the people from his teachings (the wrong way driver.)

Now an example from more modern times. James J. Strang was a member of the church at the time of the prophet Joseph Smith. (See He did not follow the leadership of the church after the death of Joseph smith and led 12,000 people to Beaver Island where he declared himself king and was killed by a gunshot wound.  He was a wrong way driver and not only died spiritually, but physically as well. The church he founded collapsed and the members found other churches.

There are plenty of wrong-way drivers on the Internet. Many apostates seek to crash into you and destroy your faith in the church.  They have been excommunicated and would seek, like Korihor, to lead people astray. 

There are guides such as bishops and stake presidents and priesthood leaders who like the highway patrolmen will help us to avoid being a wrong way driver on the covenant path.

A child or family member who goes the wrong way on the covenant path can injure the feelings of other members of the family by exercising their agency causing pain and suffering and, in some cases, spiritual death.

We have been admonished to do everything possible to stay on the covenant path.

Don’t be a wrong way driver. Stay on the covenant path.



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