Monday, January 16, 2023

The parable of the watch


The parable of the watch

A number of years ago my wife purchased for me a watch with some very interesting features. The brand was Casio and she purchased it from Kohls. The watch is an electric watch and solar powered it also has a feature and it is controlled to keep very accurate time by a radio signal.

Because I was undergoing treatment that required me to remove my watch I just took it off and laid it face down on my chest of drawers. The other day when I was finished with my treatments I picked up the watch and the face was blank I could not get it to tell the time or use the other features. I knew that I needed to place the watch in the window with the face facing out. Later in the day I picked up my watch and it was working again and the time was correct.

Now how does this little story help us to understand gospel principles. We all need the light of Christ in our lives. Just as the watch needs light to drive the batteries in the watch we need the light of Christ in our lives to drive our spiritual batteries. If we do not turn ourselves to the light of Christ then our spiritual batteries run out of juice and we become dead like the watch.We sing :The Lord(JESUS CHRIST)_is my light"

When we were baptized we received the gift of the Holy Ghost. This gift of the Holy Ghost is much like the radio signal that keeps my watch on time and when daylight savings time comes it will automatically change the time to the correct time. If we listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost we will always be able to correctly discern and keep us on track.

Now my beloved grandchildren please remember to have the light of Christ in your life and the still small voice of the Holy Ghost? President Nelson has said,” But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”

 Grandpa says listen and learn.

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