Tuesday, July 25, 2023



There is a verse in the Bible that goes something like this. Where there is no vision the people perish.

This week we studied in the book of Acts about the centurion Cornelius who had a vision.

Both my wife and I have recently undergone cataract surgery. Our vision was impaired to the point that neither of us could read. We still have trouble seeing in the dark, so we don’t drive, especially after dark. So it may be that if we did drive we would perish.

Of course the scripture was not really referring to being unable to drive at night. It was referring to spiritual vision.

Two stories come to mind. My wife’s ancestor Sarah Minton McMullin Henderson was the first of her line to join the church. One night she had a dream. Some may call it a vision. She saw two men coming to her house.

The missionaries were living in a populated town and would then go out in the Florida countryside to contact people in the rural area. They would walk and visit each farmhouse along the country road. This day they walked about 26 miles without stopping at any houses as was their custom. They just kept walking. They eventually came to a farm house with a rail fence. As they approached Sarah was sitting on the porch and called to them to come in and teach her the gospel of Jesus Christ as she had been instructed in her dream. She even recognized their faces from her dream.

At about the same time in Georgia Sarah’s sister had a dream. She saw two men at the town’s railroad station. She was told that they could teach her the true gospel of Jesus Christ. The next morning she had the same vision. She asked her husband to go to the station and invite the men to come home with him. They taught her the gospel and she, like Cornelius was baptized.

We see that the Lord is no respector of persons in any age. He will touch the hearts of those who are receptive. As a result of these two visions there are many who have and are living the gospel.


You may ask, why don't all of us have visions or dreams like this.  All of you have the gospel of Christ. You just have to have the vision to live according to Christ's commandments.  You may be the instrument of bringing the gospel to someone that needs it.  This is the vision that you must have.  


Keep your eyes open!



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