Saturday, December 9, 2023

Doing thngs the Lord's way

 A scripture comes to mind. "Wherefore, now let every man learn his duty, and to act in the office in which he is appointed, in all diligence. He that is slothful shall not be counted worthy to stand, and he that learns not his duty and shows himself not approved shall not be counted worthy to stand. Even so. Amen."

I have found that most people in the church fail to read the handbook and understand the order of the priesthood. They just make up the way they do things or follow what they have seen what other people have done.

Unfortunately when things do not go the way they are used to or procedures change they may get offended and may find themselves disagreeing with the leaders of the church.

One of the things that some people do not realize is that this is the Lord's church and we do not do anything without His approval.

When I was new in my term as stake president I was training the bishops on the proper way to sustain an individual in sacrament meeting. I suggested that one could say, 'The Lord has called so and so to serve as a teacher in the primary association, all who could sustain so and so please manifest it by raising the right hand. Any opposed by the same sign.' One bishop said, 'I could never say that.' He was a good man, but did not
understand the priesthood or his responsibilities to act in his office under the direction of the spirit. He used his own intellect to administer the affairs of the ward.

This seems to be all too common in the wards that I have seen while I was in Wyoming.It is apparently easier to rely on the arm of the flesh.

You have been brought up in our family and know how the kingdom of God works.
We need to be understanding and patient with those who are not as understanding of how the Lord's church works. If they stumble, we just let them do it until we are responsible for their actions. We do not steady the ark.

Texting a person to issue a calling or release is never appropriate. There is a missed opportunity to show love and concern to the person being released. It shows total disregard for a child of our Father in Heaven.

These are my thoughts on the matter. Not to be taken as doctrine. That comes from the priesthood.



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