Sunday, November 25, 2018

Of counsel and commandments

Some times people get a feeling that the counsel that they get from leadership in the church is something that will have to be obeyed or their eternal salvation will be at risk. 

The commandments of God are those things that have eternal consequences. They are well spelled out in the scriptures. To start with these are the Ten Commandments. To these we add those ordinances and covenants that are available to members of the church such as baptism and the temple covenants. 

Counsel is given from time to time for the mortal or temporal convenience of members of the church; such as having a years supply of food and money. Staying out of debt, raising a garden, getting immunizations, obtaining an education, having a large family and other individual counsel from priesthood leaders. 

Not every member of the church is in a position to have a year’s supply of food, but it would come in handy in an emergency. We are asked to be wise and the counsel is given for our temporal benefit. In addition avoiding debt for luxury items believed to be necessary will make for peace of mind. 

Temporal counsel is given for us and applies to our mortal existence. It will make our life here on earth easier and perhaps less stressful. If we are not able to take advantage of the counsel, our eternal reward will not be compromised. 

Let me give you an example. One that comes to mind is one from the scriptures. A rich young man came to the Savior and asked a question about what he needed to do to obtain eternal life. The Savior replied by rehearsing the commandments. The young man replied that he had fulfilled those requirements. Christ then offered him an opportunity to give up his riches and follow him into the ministry. 

The young rich man went away sorrowing because he could not part with the temporal or worldly things. 

He will receive his eternal reward but he missed the opportunity to be a disciple of Christ and be close to Him. He did not realize that this was worth more than all the money and worldly goods that he possessed. 

It is my counsel to you to keep the commandments and then endeavor to obey the counsel from the prophets.  If you do you will save yourselves some grief and perhaps your life.



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