Saturday, July 30, 2016

Lessons from a currant bush

The other day I did what I have wanted to do for a few years. I picked some currants from some bushes around the ward meeting-house. I had noticed the bushes bearing fruit in July after the building was completed. I even picked a few and ate them.  
I did that almost every year since. Each year I was going to pick more than a few, but I never did. I asked the bishop if it was permissible to pick them. He was not aware of the fruit bearing bushes. He said pick away. 

I went the other day to see if I could pick enough currants to make some jelly.  While I was picking currants I learned some lessons. 

It is easier if you stand on level ground. 
In life, as in picking currants, it is much easier if you have a firm footing on level ground. Try to keep the ground under you level. There may be times when this is not possible. I could not change the angle of the hillside in this case, so I positioned myself so as to minimize the angle and sit if possible. 
You may have to make adjustments in life in order to achieve your goals. 
Make adjustments!

Start at the bottom. 
Picking currants is easier if one works from the proximal end of the branch and strip the fruit distally. One can see the fruit better and get the most currants. 

In life there are things that cloud our vision like the leaves of the current bush. If we begin at the bottom we will be better able to get better production from our labor.

Always start at the bottom!

Pruning is important. 
The current bushes at the church were pruned as ornamental shrubs and not pruned to produce an abundant crop of currants. To facilitate easy harvesting crossed limbs need to be cut away (pruned) to allow easy access to the limbs and the fruit. The resulting bush needs to be open to allow air and sunlight for a greater harvest. 

We need to prune the unproductive things from our life in order to allow the light of the gospel to permeate our very soul. This pruning may be uncomfortable. It means getting rid of some things that we want to hold on to and some ideas we think are right which are really erroneous. 

Prune even though it hurts!

Some good things go unnoticed. 
I suppose that over 200 people pass by those currant bushes every Sunday and others during the week. How many of them even notice what kind of bushes they are let alone notice the berries they produce? 

It is so in life. We may pass by golden opportunities because we are too occupied with such things as video games or texting on our phones or not being observant of our surroundings. 

Be observant!

Timing is important.
Currants only fruit during a short period of time. If they are picked too early they are sour. The process of photosynthesis by which the bush converts carbon dioxide and water into sugar to make the fruit sweet and balance the tartness takes time. It takes about three weeks for the currants to be ripe enough to be at their peak after they get their color. Then they start to dry. 

In our life here on earth we need to be aware of timing. There are some things in life that must not be rushed or postponed. William Shakespeare put it this way: “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat."

Use the Holy Ghost to help you with your timing!

Size doesn't necessarily matter.
Not all currants are the same size. They all are important. They all are part of the eventual product, the jam or jelly. 

Our physical size is not as important as what we contribute to our environment that is; those people who are in our sphere of influence.

Make your presence positive! Contribute to the spiritual whole!

Variety matters. 
Currants come in four main different varieties; red, white, pink, and black. In Germany the black variety is preferred. I prefer the red. 

We have to have variety in our life. There is an old saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
We need a time to work and a time to play. My saying is; “All play makes stupid.”

Make sure that you have variety in your life!

Trash floats to the top and water matters. 
To separate the currants from the leaves and unattached stems, I put the harvest of my berry picking in the sink and poured in a lot of water. The trash floated to the surface and was easily skimmed leaving my currants clean and ready to process.

We believe that baptism is for the remission of our sins. In essence it, after repentance, cleanses the trash from our life. 

Clean the trash from your life!

Heat will make the job more difficult. 
Picking berries is easier when done in the morning when the temperature is cooler or in the evening before the light is gone. I went when the sun was high. I don't see well, so I need all the light I can get.  I was uncomfortable in the heat.  It was not as easy as picking when it was cooler.

If you are rushed, hurried and in a sweat, you will not do what you should as easily if you are not emotionally heated. We need to “chill out” in order to be at our maximum efficiency. 

Do not get heated up!

Enjoy the fruits of your labor, I did.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Death on the trek.

On the 24th of July we celebrate the arrival of the pioneers into the Salt Lake valley. This is a time when we remember those who came across the plains to Utah seeking Zion. 

Most of our ancestors made the trek safely.  There were some who died along the way. 

The first to go was Sarah Watson Crane. Her husband Salmon Gee died in Iowa and is buried in Nauvoo. The widow Gee left Nauvoo and traveled to Council Bluffs where she contracted cholera and died, as did many of the saints including a number of the members of Zion's camp on an earlier trek. 

Later Amanda Melvina Sagers and her husband Lysander Gee were driven from Nauvoo to St. Louis, where she died, leaving her son Orlando Lysander to be raised by his stepmother Theresa Bowley Gee. Although we do not know the cause of her death, there was at that time an epidemic of cholera in St. Louis. 

Mary Ann Wingrove was traveling with her husband and nine year-old son in a wagon train. She got out of the wagon to get Isaac a drink of water and caught her skirt on the brake lever and fell under the wagon wheel crushing her skull. Prior to this time she had lost two other children. 

We do not now have to cross the plains to come to Zion. There is a greater danger of losing our spiritual life now than it was for our ancestors to lose their physical life. 

We, like they, are on a trek. Ours is a trek through life. We have, like they, obstacles in our path. We have our rocky ridges to climb and our rivers to ford. We may plod along as it were by foot along the trail of life or pull our handcart of baggage or perhaps be fortunate enough to travel in a covered wagon, but we  face a different and more challenging environment. 

Cholera was a known and well-recognized disease in those days, but the cause was not known. It is caused by a microscopic bacteria usually transmitted in water. It causes profuse watery diarrhea. The body looses essential electrolytes and this then interferes with the electrical conduction of the heart and it stops beating effectively. Death is rapid. 

We don't have cholera here in the United States because we do not drink contaminated water. Yet there is a spiritual cholera all around us contaminating not what we drink, but the media we consume. It is just as insidious as the bacteria cholera vibrio. It, like the real bacteria, can cause spiritual diarrhea sapping our strength and if not checked can cause the heart of the spirit to stop and we become spiritually dead.  

We need to sanitize or purify what we take into our minds, just as we purify the water that we drink and pasteurized the milk we use and wash or cook the food we eat.  We do not want to get physically ill and it is important as well to maintain our spiritual health.

In this trek through life we will encounter things that will cause us to stumble or catch us off balance.  We do not want to be like Mary Ann Wingrove Price and fall under the wheel of a wagon and have our head run over.  Things that upset our spiritual balance and cause us to stumble may crush our head, destroy our reason and also lead to a quick spiritual death.  Do not go on the Internet to find answers to your questions about the church.  It will only cause you to stumble.  Grandpa and Grandma have been over the trail before you.  We can answer the great majority of your questions. We have taught your parents and they are grounded and rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ and are firm in the understanding of the operation of the true church. 

At this time of remembering the pioneers, let us prove ourselves worthy to come to Zion and make them as proud of us as we should be proud and honor them.



Saturday, July 2, 2016

Glücklich ist, wer vergisst das was nicht zu ändern ist.

Glücklich ist, wer vergisst das was nicht zu ändern ist. 

For those of you who do not speak German I will translate the heading of this post.  He who can forget what one cannot change is happy. 

The melody came into my mind a week or so ago and then I was finally able to remember the words.  It is a song that comes from “Die Fledermaus” by Johann Strass. 

I have recently noticed that some people that I am very close to have experienced some disappointments in their life. Most people can get over this very quickly. But in some instances it causes them to shut down spiritually and emotionally. They do not know how to deal with failure to achieve their expectations. 

There are many things in life that we can change. But we cannot change that which has happened in the past.  We know we never can change our mistakes and our disappointments that have happened in the past, but we can only change that which happens in the future. 

There is a rather good text written by a classmate of mine from medical school that talks about anticipation and expectation. He defines the terms and goes into the consequences of those feelings which we have.  If you wish I can send you this three-page document.

Christ has given us the opportunity to change not only our behavior but our thoughts and dreams. Through the plan of happiness we learn that we can become like our Father in Heaven. 

I could have also entitled this post “Letting the past hold us hostage in our lives.”

No one likes to be held as a hostage under even the best of circumstances.  Although our choices have consequences that we can have no control over, we all are free to choose what we can do in the future.  Because of what has happened in the past we may not be able to proceed in the direction that we had anticipated, but we are offspring of God and as such this gives us the opportunity to progress and become like him in spite of what has happened in the past. Why let the past hold us hostage?  Forget what we cannot change and go forward! The Lord will open a way that we many not even be aware is there for us.

The scripture says, “Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thy own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him. And He will lead thee aright.

I have tried this in my life and can assure you that it works.

