Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The covenant path

This phrase is mentioned a lot now in church articles and in conference talks. I don’t remember ever hearing that phrase when I was growing up.

I think for the benefit of my posterity I will give my thoughts on the matter.

I have understood that the Lord our Father in Heaven sent us here on earth to see if we would prove that we could learn to be like Him.

In order to do this the Lord requires us to make covenants with Him. If we keep the covenants then He promises us that He will allow us to live with Him.

The first covenant we make is the covenant of baptism. We promise to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort and to stand as a witness of God at all times and in all places even until we die. 

Jesus Christ was baptized as an example and to show that it was a necessary ordinance. As a result the ordinance of laying on of hands is given to give us a gift. That gift is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will lead us to all truth.

The next covenant that we make is to partake of the sacrament. By so doing we covenant to always remember Christ and keep all of His commandments. Since we are imperfect and often do not live and keep all the commandments, we can repeat this ordinance every week. The Lord promises us that if we keep His commandments we will always have His Spirit to be with us to guide us on the path to Him.

The next covenant that we, as His sons, make is what is called the oath and covenant of the priesthood. The oath is sworn by the Lord. This states “All that my Father hath shall be given unto them.” We make the covenant to accept the priesthood and to honor it.  See Doctrine and Covenants 84:33-41.

The next covenant we make is temple covenants. In order to enter the temple one needs a recommend from two priesthood leaders. In the mouth of two or more witnesses shall all things be established. The questions in the interviews are pointed to see if we are willing to live by the covenants that we will make in the temple. In the temple we make a series of covenants and the Lord endows us with priesthood power. That is why it is called an endowment. Most people do not fully understand the difference between priesthood power and priesthood authority. I will not elaborate here. You can ask me later.

All these covenants are individual covenants that we make with the Lord. They do not involve any other individual, only the person involved and the Lord.

The next covenant that we make does involve an other person. It is called the new and everlasting covenant. Some people call this a temple marriage. It is really much more than that. It is properly called a sealing in the new and everlasting covenant. There are many promises associated with this covenant. Without this covenant we cannot live with God for it is essential for our salvation and exaltation. It comes with certain commandments and expectations. They are to be found in the scriptures.

There are more covenants that are necessary to live with our Father in Heaven, but they will be given to us at the Lord’s discretion and many will receive them in the spirit world.

The covenant path is strait and narrow. As Lehi saw, there are obstacles placed in our path for us to overcome, just as our Heavenly Father did before us.

We need to hold onto the iron rod to be safe. These are the scriptures and the words of God’s messengers the prophets and daily conversations with God (prayer).

Failure to hold onto the iron rod will make us a target for the adversary and lead us off the path.

Now my dear grandchildren, where are you on that covenant path?

Love Grandpa