Sunday, April 8, 2018


It seems to me that there isn't a week goes by that there are people marching or gathering to demonstrate about something. Yesterday on the news they referred to a demonstration some years ago. 

This photo appeared on the front page of the Deseret News.  Do these people look happy to you? Do you want to be around them? Would you want to follow them? Do they look like they have love in their hearts?

It seems as though people have the idea that this type of behavior will accomplish their purposes. 

There are even demonstrations against the church. 

Contention in any form is not condoned by God. It is inspired by Satan. After all he was expelled from his heavenly home and the presence of God because of this action. He stirs up the hearts of men to contend with each other. 

Nowhere in the scriptures that I know of has the Lord given us permission to contend or demonstrate. If we do this we are just following Satan. 

If you will remember it was a hostile demonstration that resulted in the crucifixion of Christ. 

It was a demonstration on Kristalnacht that began the persecution and extermination of over six million Jews. 

We should never allow ourselves to be tempted to join in such activities. There is Satanic way and the Lord's way. 

We can read about the Lord's way in the 4th and 107th section of the Doctrine and Covenants. The principles are; gentleness, meekness and love.  If we all treated each other with these three attributes and let the Lord lead us then there would be no need to rise up in anger. 

Our thoughts should be, let the Lord do the judging and reward according to the person's works. 

We need to follow the Savior.

