Monday, January 18, 2016

The man on the frontrunner

The man on the frontrunner

The other night we were riding the frontrunner. The frontrunner is an intercity train running from Ogden on the north to Provo on the south.

On the train was a man facing us. He was disheveled and unshaven. We could hear him conversing with a man facing him. His language was crude and loud.

I thought to myself that he really did not know or appreciate who he really was. Each and every person here on the earth is a child of God and as such has the opportunity to become like him.

What would you do if someone came up to you and told you that you were in reality a prince or a princess, the son or daughter and heir or heiress of a king?  How would you feel? Would you act any differently? Would you dress any differently? Would your language be more refined?

What would have happened if I had approached this man on the frontrunner and addressed him as "Your Highness". He probably would have thought I was crazy and called the police or train security. If I told him that God was his father, he would have thought I was delusional.

The fact that I would have been right would have made no impression on him and would not have changed his behavior, because he did not know who he really was.

I have to revert to my high school English class for a quote that seems appropriate here.

“O, wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion.”

Robert Burns

I have altered this quote to read as follows;

Oh would some power give us the gift to see ourselves as God sees us.  It would free us from many blunders and foolish notions.

I have found that this is one of the most difficult things to do in this life.  We cannot keep the perspective in mind that we are a child of God and that everyone around us is as well.

Learn who you really are. (And act accordingly)



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