Friday, November 15, 2019

It doesn’t matter where you pray.

It doesn’t matter where you pray.

We attended the Saturday evening session of our stake conference. The visiting authority was Elder Daniel Mehr. He told a story about his experience on his mission. He climbed up on the roof of his apartment and then up onto the top of a water tower where he could look over the city where he was assigned to preach the gospel. This was the first day he was with a brand new missionary companion. He there had a conversation with the Lord. It lasted some time and when he got down from his talk with the Lord he wanted to share with his companion, but his companion was asleep.

He then invited us to have a "water tower” experience and ask the Lord a question.

We do not need to go up on the roof and on top of a water tower to talk to the Lord.

Recently there was a missionary in England laboring on one of the Channel Islands. He would go up on the roof of his apartment to pray. One night he went up and it was raining. The roof was slick and he slipped and fell to the pavement below. He fortunately was not killed, but was so badly injured that he could not be air evacuated home to the United States.

It was foolish for him to go up there in the first place. He may have gotten the idea from a story similar to the one told by Elder Mehr.

I have asked questions of the Lord and received answers without going upon a rooftop. I did not go out in the forest to hurt beasts as Enos or in a grove of trees on in prison like Joseph Smith or on a mountaintop like Moses. I still received answers.

The most important thing to remember is that you have to be prepared to talk to the Lord and ask Him a question and be prepared to act on the answer. If not you may be like Nephi's brothers. In our recent reading of the Book of Mormon I was struck by the exchange between Nephi and his brothers. He asked them whether they had inquired of the Lord. Their reply was that the Lord didn’t answer. This was not because the Lord didn’t want to answer them. It was because they were not prepared and would not receive the answer.

I have found that when I was prepared and would respond to the answer, the Lord would answer the question.

We may ask in faith nothing wavering and when the time is right the Lord answers.

It is our job to wait upon the Lord.

Do not ask a question that you already have an answer to. Do not ask to see an angel. They only come to give you an assignment, not to satisfy your curiosity.

Now my grandchildren the Lord does guide his children and give us answers if we pray with real intent. I testify that He is there.


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