Wednesday, March 6, 2024

What good would it do?

 What good would it do? Also, would it help?

The first question comes from a quote to me from Elder Boyd K. Packer during the time that I was stake president. We did not have the organizational structure that exists in the church today. At that time if a stake president had a question he would call the church office in Salt Lake and ask the operator to speak to an authority and would be connected to the authority on call. 

I had a question that was not addressed in the documents or general handbook of instructions. When I asked him what I should tell the person what they should do, I proposed a solution and Elder Packer responded, “What good would it do?” I responded that it would not do any good.

The next quote is from the movie “Bridge of Spies”.

The prisoner of the Americans was questioned about something and his reply was, “Would it help?”

The other day some pro Palestinian demonstrators held up traffic on the freeway and on an overpass. When one asks whether their actions would have any effect on helping stop the war many miles away. What would your answer be?
Would it help? What good would it do?
Does demonstrating make any difference in mediating differences in conflicts abroad or changing opinions over things we cannot control?

How do you think the people who were affected by this action reacted? I would hazard a guess that only about one of a hundred were sympathetic. The others were disturbed and exasperated. How do you think the driver in one of the cars who had an appointment and was late felt?

Would it help the Palestinians? What good would it do?

We are here on earth to do good. This demonstration will not bring us closer to God. How would these demonstrators feel if the tables were turned and they were the ones on the other side.

Christ said do unto others as you would have done unto you.

We need to follow Christ and not Babylon or the world. When the question is asked would it help? Or what good would it do? We hope we can answer in the affirmative, it will!!!

Measure your actions against the standards of the gospel of Christ. 


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